LEP training, workshops and seminars
So that you can introduce LEP smoothly and utilise the full potential of the solution, we offer a complete range of training courses, including online training and seminars. The offer includes comprehensive consulting and further training. We customise the scope and content of further training courses, online courses and seminars to the individual needs of a company. We also organise regular seminars to take a closer look at the general applications of LEP and specific practical cases.

Seminar and training programmes
LEP’s training courses and seminars are geared towards both first-time and long-standing users. The events aim to assist participants from various facilities in acquiring in-depth knowledge, sharing experiences and, thus, to further promote the opportunities for utilisation inherent in the solution.
You can find future LEP events as well as documents and presentations here.

Your contact at LEP
Would you like to have LEP seminars held on-site at your company? Do you have questions about our range of seminars and training courses? We are here for you and are happy to advise you!

Claudia Reidlinger, MSc
Sales and Consulting

Nuray Bulut
Sales and Consulting

Nuray Bulut
Sales and Consulting